Some sweet friends threw me a baby shower. I always feel strange being the center of attention but I realized this is probably the last time I ever will be so I tried to enjoy it. We were so blessed with gifts of diapers and other essentials. We have been given over 2,000 diapers! With the twins and Ellie that will probably last 2 and 1/2 months. Crazy. Thank you to everyone who was so generous! We sure appreciate it!
He I am at 36 1/2 weeks. Jeff says this pic does not do my huge belly justice and that I am actually bigger. Thanks honey.... heehee. All my pregnancy clothes are too small except for two skirts and two pair of stretch pants. I almost bought a 30$ pair of pants the other day but couldn't bring myself to do it to only wear for a few weeks. Jeff says I should have and then I would have gone into labor the next day.
Everything is still going well. I am already dialated to a 3 and 50% effaced. I have contractions but they are not regular and only sometimes really painful. The nights are very hard to sleep since with every contraction I am trying to decide if it was more intense than the last one and how long it has been and etc etc... You know how it goes. I actually have never gone into labor on my own, even with having had three kids so I am a bit nerve racked. (I do not want to go so far and have the babies at home or in the car). Well there you go. Send up some prayers for me to endure!