Monday, September 27, 2010

Seminary Set Up

Seminary has been going well. Jeff is a great teacher... he is so good at testifying of truths and bringing the spirit into the room. Here is a picture of how we squeeze 25+ students into one small room. Jeff stands in the entryway to teach, and he uses an artist easel as his desk and white board holder.
This picture of Brandon is a great example of how we ALL have been feeling lately with the new schedule. He was conked out on the couch at only 4:30 in the afternoon.
One awesome blessing from this new schedule is having time in the mornings to read scriptures together as a family. It is so much more beneficial when we are not rushed to get the kids in bed or exhausted from the days activities.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

He teaches at your house?! That is amazing to fit 25 students and to be ready so early every morning--very impresive!