Friday, October 22, 2010


Eleanor had her first camping experience last weekend. She was a baby doll about it. We brought the pack n' play and she slept just as well as at home....all through the night!
It was the annual ward camp out and chill cook off. It was a lot of fun. The boys run around getting as dirty as possible while Jeff and I chat and sit around the fire. My kids still won't eat smores and I vow not to buy the ingredients next camp out, although I think I said that last year too.
Every year I give the boys light necklaces to wear so I can see where they are in the dark and every year they give them away to all their friends so it ends up that I see lights running around everywhere. I tried to tell them not to give them out this year but they did anyways. I guess that is what I get for teaching my children to be generous. HeeHee

1 comment:

Hart Family said...

You guys are so amazing. I don't know how you do it all with a newborn! Very admirable! I had a dream the latest hurricane was heading straight towards us and you called to see if we were coming up :) I must miss you guys or something!