Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ammon Turns 6 Years Old

Ammon is now six years old. I feel bad because his actual birthday was not much of a celebration. We had planned on some family time and Ammon and I were going to make some cupcakes that day, but Brandon had his first real asthma attack and we spent all afternoon at the doctors office.
Ammon was so sweet when I explained that Brandon had to go to the Dr. Ammon said "yes, okay, of course if Brandon is sick we should do that so he can get better" There was no sadness at all. Ammon truly is such a giving, understanding and caring person!
After the Dr. we met Jeff at Red Lobster and Ammon got to pet the lobsters. Since we didn't have time to make cupcakes we bought some donuts and after opening his presents of new legos Ammon didn't even want to eat any.
We made up for this lousy celebration by going to sea world that weekend. Ammon loved it! His favorite part was the dolphin show! He stood next to the glass after one show and the baby beluga pressed his face right up against Ammons!

1 comment:

Tara said...

What a cute six year old! Happy Birthday, Ammon! It's fun to see how y'all are doing. We stopped by two Saturdays ago but you were gone. It was a last minute side trip to Wylie before the BYU game. Sorry we missed you!