Monday, January 30, 2012


First off Eleanor had been sick for weeks and had finally gotten better. At this point the twins had been coughing for a week or so and I was treating them with essential oils and suctioning. One night Eliza seemed like her lips were turning purple and hse was not breathing well. I changed her diaper and pulled her out of her clothes and it livened her up to where she regained color. Then later that night it happened again, this time Jeff noticed. So we called Brother Probst over to give both girls a blessing with Jeff.
After that I took Eliza to the ER. As I was walking in she was turning blue around the lips again. It turned out she had RSV and Pneumonia. She was transfered in a ambulance to Children's medical center in downtown. They hooked her up to oxygen and a fluid IV.

Eliza with Daddy

Eliza with Mommy

Eliza all hooked up

Since RSV is highly contagious and the twins sleep right next to each other in the bassinet Jeff took Evelynn to the Dr the next morning and she was later admitted to the same hospital but in an non-ICU area. After a day she was moved to the NICU in a room right next to her sister because she got worse and needed heated flow oxygen.
Evelynn in her non-ICU room

Evelynn with Daddy

Evelynn all hooked up

Ammon and Brandon visiting the twins. Grammie watched them and Ellie in Houston for the week the girls were in the hospital. (Thanks a bunch!)

In the end Eliza was in the hospital 7 days and Evelynn 6. The Dr's were amazing and really show they care about the babies. We learned a lot as parents about preventative care as far as respiratory care goes. Too bad we didn't know all this when we had our first out of five children! Now we will use it as the sickly winter goes on.


Rachel said...

What sweet little babies! Those hospital photos just break my heart. I'm glad to see they are feeling better! And I love that newborn photo shoot ... so adorable!

The Rowley Family said...

You guys are such a close, strong family! And you two are so in sync as parents. We're glad you had family close by you to help you with the older three kids. And we are glad to know you're all home together again.