Monday, July 12, 2010

New Callings for the Both of Us

Jeff and I have both received new callings. He has been called to be ....Seminary teacher to the 14-18 year old youth in our church. And I have been called to be the Activity Days leader for the 8-12 year old girls. We are both extremely excited for these new opportunities to learn and serve others.
Jeff was a seminary teacher once five years ago for just 4 months. He really loves teaching and is even more excited because this year he gets to teach the Doctrine and Covenants and church history. We have been talking and planning what he wants to do and how he wants to run the class up into the wee hours of the night sometimes. It most likely will be held in our house so we have been deciding how we want to arrange the small room we have available for it. Jeff's biggest challenge will be trying to be energetic at 5:40 in the morning...since he is a night owl at heart.
I am really looking forward to being activity days leader....but I don't get to jump into it until after I have the baby. When I was Primary counselor I got to teach a few of the lessons for the girls and I had a blast so I am really looking forward to it!
Wish us luck!

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