Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Ellie!

These are a little out of order, but hey at least I got them posted. Thats a big deal for me. Enjoy!

Love those bright blue eyes!

Eleanor turned one last month. She had a great time opening presents and eating chocolate cake. The boys had fun helping her celebrate too!

Eleanor at age one:
~Smiley and happy most of the time
~Crawls up on all fours and pulls up sometimes
~Loves to eat baby food pouches...but macaroni and cheese is her favorite food!
~Can sign more and wave bye bye
~Loves to dance by shaking her head back and forth and waving her hands. She absolutely loves music!
~Loves balls and loves to play catch.

1 comment:

The Rowley Family said...

Happy Birthday Ellie! Can't wait to meet you!