Thursday, May 21, 2009

Preschool Feild Trip

This past year I have been teaching preschool in my home. I have really loved it! I have 8 kids and teach twice a week for three hours each. It has been a great experience to get me back into teaching. I have learned that I can not be an overachiever and have to just keep school simple and a happy time for the kids.

Yesterday I took the kids to the zoo for a field trip. They had a blast and so did I. One thing I learned is that potty breaks take way longer with 8 kids!

(Left to right: Mrs. Melanie, Nate, Hunter,Ty, Ammon, Becca, Ryker, Carolyn, Brandon)

Here they are on a crocodile statue. Nate said "I'm going to have him eat me!"

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